Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dresser Decoupage

I have been on a DIY binge as of late and I decided to do something with my dresser. I've had this Warhol "Marilyn" wrapping paper for about six years...I wanted to save it for something awesome. I wanted to decoupage the sides and top but alas there was not enough paper. I think it still looks pretty kickass!

All you need is a bottle of Mod- Podge, and some sort of paper you want to paste on. The wrapping paper seemed to work fine though there were a lot of bubbles. I think it kind of adds to it though so I left them. If you have an old wooden dresser that frequently gets repainted like mine, you should be good to go.

The whole project from start to finish only took an hour and a half.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Believe in Me.

This house is so negative.
I feel constricted.
  I feel trapped.
     I feel helpless.
        I feel angry.
            I feel disgusted.
I need to get out.

I am getting an apartment in August with my best friend, but neither my mom nor my dad thinks I can do it. Right now they think it's just a dream not a reality. I don't think it's wholly because they don't want me to go, or they think it's a bad financial decision, I think they just don't believe I can do it.

It's no surprise to anyone that I'm not the best with money, at least not saving. I just keep praying that this will work out and that I can save enough so that I will be out from under their thumb. I know the apartment won't be what I imagine, and real life will suck but I'm tired of explaining to everybody that I'm the only townie that is living at home (not an exaggeration, I haven't met one that doesn't live in the dorms or apartment). 

Fuck it. I'm doing this for me. And maybe a little to spite them. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This has been a crazy, strange summer. I'm not sure what I was expecting because I am of course in between HS and college. People have been growing up a lot this summer and that influences even more change to happen. I feel like I've gotten a lot done, both with my material self and my mind. I am very excited to start college. I think and hope it will be fun and interesting, but I'm also planning on learning a lot. As many know, I am doing part time at both Ivy Tech and IU. I was kind of disappointed at first but now, I am actually very excited and am looking forward to it. Classes start on August 29 so it's just a little over 3 weeks away.

  I have accomplished a lot this summer. I have pretty much finished redoing my room (Just have a mirror situation to take care of). I have gotten my license. I have grown out my hair. I have gotten a tan line. Yes, there are things I've done this summer that I'm both happy and unhappy with.

Things I am still very much wanting to complete before school: Make my Halloween costume and another dress I have. Completely make my own garment from sketch to finish. Start working again. Save money... I am such a bad saver. Buy a laptop... and find out I have a rich relative who decides they want to put me through college. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I've been a high school graduate for four days. What have I gotten done?

-Completely re-did my room including painting my bed (I still have to do some patching and buy a new mirror and dresser.)
- finished all my thank-you cards and am about to send them out
- finished filling out all that health information necessary for IU
- thought about taking my driver's test... soon!
- decided I AM going blonde... soon.
- Acquired many many freckles
and I've done all this while basically watching my 3 (almost 4) year old niece. It's nice to be a favorite aunt but... I feel like a mother already. She wears you out!

As soon as I get my new dresser and mirror I will put up a post about my room because I think it looks damn fab. BTW, does anybody know where to look for a solid upright wooden dresser without DAMN LAMINATE ON TOP? seriously, been to at least five large furniture places (new and used) and haven't found anything... Heading up to Elletsville tomorrow so wish me luck.

I think I need to start a new project... I've already started my junkie summer diet and watching tv a lot. I do start camp next week and the Orlando the next week so I probably won't have too much time to keep up this awful behavior but seriously. I think I'll go to the Y tomorrow or something...

Also, for all you townies, I tried Subacos in the mall today (vegetarian taco), and while the price was not too bad the food was. It was not very tasty and my mom (chicken sub) said it was really dry.

OK, more later maybe!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Yeah I know this is my first post in about ten years but I've been really busy.

Things that have happened:
- It's a Wonderful Life
- Finishing school (THREE DAYS TIL I'M DONE WITH IT!)
- Renovating my room for the first time in about three years (will do a post on this when it is complete)
- Making my own prom dress (Does anybody want to see a post on that? I didn't really take pictures (I know I'm an awful DIY-er), but I could still do a post on that and/or my feather capelet).
- Contemplated going blonde. Thoughts?
- Got sort of tan!
- Bought a new phone... it's android.
- Other stuff that I cannot really think of right now...

So you can see I've been really busy being awesome and shit.

I might attempt to revive the blog during the summer but we shall see.....

Monday, April 4, 2011


WELL, that failed. This weekend I swear whenever I was hungry the only thing to eat was Dove chocolate... I couldn't resist


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Review: Revlon Top Speed Nail Polish

Well. I could go through all the trouble of posting pictures of the outcome, but I'll keep this short for the benefit of everybody.

It Doesn't Work.

While the line provides some interesting colours and finshes, the 60 second (or less) dry time is quite the underestimate. The first coat dried in maybe two minutes, which wasn't too bad for polish but with both shades I tried, I needed a second coat. The second coat took almost ten minutes to dry.. 

Bottom line: Don't buy it for the dry time, but as a nail polish line it does offer some great shades!

P.S. If you want your polish to dry quickly, buy Seche Vite top coat.. It actually works!