Florida is in less than 3 weeks. I'm still going to the Y and stuff, but I'm basically having body issues right now because I randomly gained 5 pounds so I've finally gone back to eating healthy. Except for last night, when I basically ate sugar and then some pizza. All while watching Food Inc. Yeah I don't know how that was possible either.. And then I'm going back to Florida in late June for my sister's vball tourny...Well the real reason my pale ass is going is Hogwarts at Universal Studios! Wands at Ollivander's I cannot wait. So fucking excited :D
I got my hair cut and I like it, but I always have to straighten it which can get on my nerves.. It's too short to wear curly. But also I think I am going to bleach all my hair this summer, so I'm blonde! but also with cool colours and stuff... and then before school starts I'll cut it off into a faux hawk. So that's two things off my list of things I've always wanted to do but probably won't because they're risky.
Last night was really fun. I hung out with Maria and we saw Shutter Island (see review below), then went to Buffa Louie's for dinner, Went to Kroger and Wal-Mart (where we picked out a Goosebumps double feature and The Perfect Score (again, reviews below)), then picked up Magen from her house, and we promptly came back to Maria's house for a sleepover. We started off watching Goosebumps, then the Perfect Score, then talked for an hour or so, where the subject of Magen's possibly impending conversion to vegetarianism came up. Maria and me both said she should see Food Inc., nominated for an Oscar (you know the drill), though neither of us had seen it, so we looked on Maria's Netflix and sure enough there it was. About the time that was over it was around 6 am, and we decided to call it a night. It was great, very spur of the moment which is always lovely.
Well this next week is finals week, which is really exciting. Next trimester I have my very last German class ever, and Sewing! Finally, I ahve been waiting for this for a loong time. I can begin working on my Gaga outfits. I'm working on my final project in art, which is a pop art self portrait in the style of Warhol. It's looking pretty good and since I'm no painter that is very surprising. If it turns out amazing, I'll put a pic up on here! Now onto those reviews:
Shutter Island: I thought it was really well made, very stylized, very well acted. I really liked the storyline as well. I must say, it was different than I expected, and not very Scorsese- like, but at the same time it still was. There were a lot of unexpected twists and, to be honest, it really took a toll on my brain.By the end of the movie, I had been jerked around so much my brain almost refused to take the ending of the movie as real. It's very hard to explain, but if you see it, which I recommend, you will understand.
Goosebumps: No, it wasn't a real movie. It was in the $5 bin at Wal- Mart, but I love these things so much. It just reminds me of my childhood, the cheesy music and intro, which looks kind of like it was edited in Paint. The real surprise was Ryan Gosling as the main character. I honestly wanted to watch a ton of these after it was over.
As a fan, A+.; as a critic, D.
The Perfect Score: Uhh, what? There were so many well- known actors in this, it was almost Valentine's Day. Just kidding, but still. It was about the cliche group of misfits who band together in order to do something heroic, in this case steal the answers to the SAT. Since I know that nobody is planning on watching this anyway, I feel shameless about giving away the ending. They end up breaking into the office only to find out that the answers can only be accessed with the help of five other passwords (or something along those lines). Well they decide, after much anguish, to split up the SAT and the three pairs each answer a certain portion of the SAT (which they can access on the computer with no passwords needed). Anyway they find out through teamwork they can do anything, get to the SAT and all decide they don't need the answers they can do it on their own, where the only good part of the movie, the asian, slips the answers to all the stoners. It was an MTV film if that gives anything away about the quality. Honestly though, The stoner asian was absolutely hilarious. Also starred Scarlett Johansson, surprisingly enough.
Food Inc.: I'm not completely ignorant about where food comes from. I have done research, I have seen the hidden camera footage from the slaughterhouses. This was very eye opening though. I thought the film maker did a very good job of presenting different sides of arguments. There was some bias against the corporations, but they kind of showed you everything, not just what would prove their side of the argument. There were a lot of startling statistics and information. Like how many of the people in teh FDA used to be Presidents or CEO's of those major food corporations... This is a must see.
P.S. I don't know why I never said anything before but, RIP Lee "Alexander" McQueen. You were such an inspiration, so creative, so innovative. When I found out, I honestly couldn't function for about a day. Your Suicide was such a tragedy. I always wanted to meet you and have so much respect for you and what you make, but now I cannot. I'm still not quite sure I understand but I don't think I reall have to. We love you, we miss you.

Lee Alexander McQueen 1969-2010