Sunday, November 13, 2011

Believe in Me.

This house is so negative.
I feel constricted.
  I feel trapped.
     I feel helpless.
        I feel angry.
            I feel disgusted.
I need to get out.

I am getting an apartment in August with my best friend, but neither my mom nor my dad thinks I can do it. Right now they think it's just a dream not a reality. I don't think it's wholly because they don't want me to go, or they think it's a bad financial decision, I think they just don't believe I can do it.

It's no surprise to anyone that I'm not the best with money, at least not saving. I just keep praying that this will work out and that I can save enough so that I will be out from under their thumb. I know the apartment won't be what I imagine, and real life will suck but I'm tired of explaining to everybody that I'm the only townie that is living at home (not an exaggeration, I haven't met one that doesn't live in the dorms or apartment). 

Fuck it. I'm doing this for me. And maybe a little to spite them.